Node 2


Clansthal’s Node 2A presents an incredible development opportunity

With Node 2B already sold to a single developer, don’t miss your opportunity to invest in Node 2A and take advantage of the beautiful coastal landscape Clansthal has to offer. Node 2A is for sale as an entire node to a single developer to develop as they wish. While zoning has already been approved, Node 2A’s future developer is not tied to these approvals and may change them.
Select the development type you are interested in from the drop-down menu below to learn more.
Select a development type below and scroll down to see this indication on the precinct map

Special Residential 350

No. of sites:
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A zone set aside to provide, preserve, use land or buildings for single residential use in a form of a dwelling house and ancillary uses. Protection of the quality and character of the residential neighbourhood and the well-being of its residents. Limiting multiple uses of buildings to minimise adverse impact on the residential environment. Businesses that comply with residential amenity such as a bed and breakfast establishment, and home business at the discretion of the eThekwini Municipality. The minimum erf size per development is 350 m2. A height of 3 storeys and coverage of 50% are permitted in this zone.

General Residential 3

No. of sites:
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A zone set aside to provide, preserve, use land or buildings for higher density on all types of residential accommodation. A wide range of ancillary uses which service the day to day needs of a residential community. The minimum erf size per development is 1 800m2. Boarding house, chalet development, flats, multiple unit development and retirement centre uses are freely permitted within this zone. A height of 2 storeys and coverage of 40% is permitted in this zone.

General Residential 4

No. of sites:
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A zone set aside to provide, preserve, use land or buildings for higher density on all types of residential accommodation. A wide range of ancillary uses that service the day to day needs of a residential community. This zone freely permits a hotel. The minimum erf size per development is 1 800m2. Boarding house, chalet development, flats, hotel, multiple-unit development and retirement centre uses are freely permitted within this zone. A height of 3 storeys and coverage of 30% is permitted in this zone.

Limited Commercial

No. of sites:
Total m2:

A zone set aside to provide, preserve, use land or buildings for low impact commercial purposes. Accommodation of commercial or business activities within a residential area where the commercial activity provides a service to the residential community and is not detrimental to the residential amenity of the area. Uses that are permitted within this zone include offices, restaurants and fast food outlets, shops, flats, car wash, crèche, dwelling house, laundry, pet grooming parlour and low-impacting commercial land uses. A minimum erf size of 450m2, a height of 1 storey and coverage of 50% are permitted in the Clansthal area.

Node 02

Node 2 Developer’s Pack

Download the Clansthal developer’s information pack here
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